Kelly Software Solutions
A collection of coding projects in various languages and technologies.
I am a loyal husband and father of two wonderful and challenging boys.
Skilled software engineering leader with a desire to use web development talents in a creative manner working with a dynamic team to solve challenging technical problems confronting the public sector.
Currently, I am attending the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp with an expected graduation date of December 2022.
A collection of coding projects in various languages and technologies.
A free Pick'em-style college football site. This site was originally written in 2007.
Microsoft ASP.NET, C#, & SQL Server
Project #2 for the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp 2022. The purpose of this challenge was to build an application to assist Electric Vehicle owners in planning long distance trips.
Alternative Fuel Data Center information, Mapbox, Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, Sequelize, SASS, Handlebars.js, & express-session
Project #1 for the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp 2022. The purpose of this project was to build an application to assist snow sport enthusiasts in Colorado in planning their search for powder.
HTML, CSS, Moment.js v2.27.0, jQuery v3.6.0, Bulma v0.9.4, & Leaflet v1.8.0, Open Weather, Google Static Maps, MapQuest Directions, MapQuest GeoCoding & Reverse Geocoding, MapQuest Static Maps, MapQuest Search Ahead, Geolocation
Challenge #19 for the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp 2022. The purpose of this challenge is to a text editor that runs in the browser. It is a single-page application that meets the progressive web application (PWA) criteria.
Node.js, Express.js, WebPack, WorkBox, & IndexedDB
Challenge #18 for the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp 2022. The purpose of this challenge is to understand the unstructured nature of NoSQL by building an API for a social network web application where users can share their thoughts, react to friends’ thoughts, and create a friend list.
Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, & Mongoose
Challenge #14 for the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp 2022. The purpose of this challenge is to build a CMS-style blog site following the MVC paradigm, where developers can publish their blog posts and comment on other developers' posts as well.
Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, Sequelize, Handlebars.js, & express-session
Challenge #13 for the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp 2022. The purpose of this challenge is to build a back end for a generic e-commerce site using one-to-many and many-to-many database relationships.
Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, & Sequelize
Challenge #12 for the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp 2022. The purpose of this challenge is to build a command-line application to manage a company's employee database.
Node.js, Inquirer v8.2.4, dotenv, & MySQL
Challenge #11 for the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp 2022. The purpose of this challenge is to build a note taker application to save and retreive data from a JSON file.
Node.js, Express.js
Challenge #10 for the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp 2022. The purpose of this challenge is to build a team profile generator and to use Jest for unit testing.
Node.js, Inquirer v8.2.4, and Jest v28.1.3
Challenge #9 for the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp 2022. The purpose of this challenge is to build a GitHub README generator.
Node.js & Inquirer v8.2.4
Challenge #6 for the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp 2022. The purpose of this challenge is to build a weather dashboard that calls the OpenWeather API.
HTML, CSS, Moment.js, Bootstrap 5.2, & OpenWeather API
Challenge #5 for the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp 2022. The purpose of this challenge is to build a work day scheduler.
HTML, CSS, jQuery, Moment.js & Bootstrap 5.2
Challenge #4 for the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp 2022. The purpose of this challenge is to build a timed, multiple choice coding assessment quiz.
HTML, CSS, & Javascript
Challenge #3 for the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp 2022. The purpose of this challenge is to modify starter code to create an application that enables employees to generate random passwords based on criteria that they’ve selected.
Challenge #2 for the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp 2022. The purpose of this challenge is to build a portfolio.
Challenge #1 for the University of Denver Coding Bootcamp 2022. The purpose of this challenge is to refactor an existing site to make it more accessible.